Research topics

  • Photoreactivity and interaction with bioactive dietary compounds of riboflavin isoalloxazine derivatives and evaluation of their safety and bioactivities for application to biological systems
    (리보플라빈 이소알록사진 유도체의 광반응성과 식품 생리활성 성분과의 상호작용을 통한 생체시스템에서의 안전성 및 기능성 평가)

  • Investigation of photo-reactive behaviors of dietary polyphenolic and cosmetic compounds, and their application to skin health under LED irradiation
    (식품 폴리페놀 성분 및 식품 유래 화장품 첨가성분의 광반응성 행태와 LED조사하에서의 피부세포 적용성 연구)

  • Interactions between dietary polyphenols and drugs constituents.
    (생리활성 식이성분과 다소비 약물류의 상호작용 기작 연구)

    Related topics

    Mechanistic approaches for interactions between functional polyphenolic compounds and the commonly-consumed generic drugs.

  • Validation of cell culture system for investigating mechanism and actions of dietary polyphnolic compounds.
    (기능성 폴리페놀 성분의 활성 및 기작 연구를 위한 세포배양 시스템의 검정)

    Related topics

    Interaction of curcuminoids or catechins with thiol antioxidants; elucidation of the structure/function relationship and physiological relevance of reactive oxygen species-dependent mechanisms by the phenolic compounds.

    Characterizations of various antioxidants used in the cell culture system for elucidating the reactive oxygen species-depent mechanisms of phenolic bioactive compounds.

  • Investigation of physiologically active compunds from natural dietary sources
    (천연 식이 소재로부터의 생리활성 물질의 발굴 및 기능성 검증)

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    염생 식물의 항암, 항염증 활성 기전 연구